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Agronomy -Basic Terms

Agronomy Basic Terms

1. Agronomy-derived from Greek Word 'agros' meaning -field crops and 'nomos' meaning -Cultivation and its management. in shortcut Agronomy- Science of crop production and Soil Management.

2. Father of modern Agronomy -Olivier de Serres.

3. Tillage- Physical manipulation of Soil
Is following Types.

I.Primary Tillage
ii. Secondary Tillage
iii. Zero Tillage

4. Ratoon Cropping - Cultivation of crop regrowth after names.Eg.Sugarcane

5. Cropping Index - The number of Crops grown per year on a given area of land which is multiplied by 100

6.Cropping Intensity- ratio of Total cropped area to the net area available for cultivation in year.

7. Monoculture- The repetitive Cultivation or growing of the same sole crop on the same land irrespective of its intensity.

8. polyculture - Practice of growing various types of crops  in sequence of rotation  in any given area for a fixed period of time. like maize-Potato-Rice

9. Mono/Double cropping - practice of growing one/two crops in a year.

10. Mixed Cropping - growing of Two or more crops simultaneously & inter mingled eg.wheat +mustard

11.Multiple Cropping- Two or more crops are grown in succession within a year.

12- Relay cropping - Cropping system in which second crop is planted after the first crop  has reached its reproductive stage but before it is ready to harvest. Eg.Rice,Lythyrus

13.Inter cropping - Growing of 2 or more crops simultaneously in alternate ridges in the same land area at the same time.

14. cash crops- refers to the crops which may be sold directly from the field without processing like vegetables, potato,Maize ?cobs,Sugarcane,Jute, Cotton etc.

15. Harvest index - ratio of economic yield to the biological yield.
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