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Horticultural facts at a glance

Do You know?? 
  1. According to dieticians and minimum per capita per day requirement(recommended dietary requirement –RDA) of vegetable is 375 gm 
  2. Veneer grafting and approach grafting are common in Mango.
  3. Citrus is maximum producing fruit in Nepal .
  4. Grape has maximum production in world.
  5. Papaya is ever green and ever seasons fiowering plant
  6. Date palm is the oldest fruit 
  7. Mango is known as king of fruit. King of mango is Alphanso.
  8. Poor mans apple is Guava , poor mans meat is soyabean .
  9. Peach is the temperate fruit  species which required minimum chilling hours among temperate fruits .
  10. Chilling requirement  is the minimum period of cold temperature(<7°C)for the break down of bud dormancy in the temperate fruit crop .
  11. Best time for propagation of Apple is Dec-Jan.
  12. Air layering is also called as Goote,  Marcotage,and Chinese layering . It is commonly practiced in Litchi , Guava, Pomegranate.
  13. Mould layering is also calld as stoll layering.
  14. Cutting is generally done in early summer or late summer.
  15. T- budding is common in Citrus and Rose and also called as Shield budding.
  16. Inverted T-budding is done in rainy season.
  17. Scarification is the process of injuring the hard seed coat by mechanical means .
  18. Stratification is the ecoping of the seed in low temperature for breaking dormancy .
  19. Apomixes is the model of reproduction in plant by which seeds are produced vegetatively  from unfertilized eggs ,
  20. Budding is done in citrus ,peach, apple,pear.
  21. Grafting is done in apple , pear, peach, mango.
  22. Hardwood cutting is done in Grape (vines)
  23. Banana is commonly propagated by suckers. Removal of unwanted sucker in Banana is known as Desuckering. 
  24. The process of removal of pseudostem of  banana after harvesting is called as mattocking . 
  25. The method in which management of  banana is done by giving support by the help of wooden prop to protect them from bending or falling down due to heavy bunch load and from any damage from wind—propping 
  26. The practice of managment on Banana to protect  from sun born, hot wind, and dust for uniform development of fingers is Wrapping/bagging of bunches 
  27. Yellow colour in tomato is due to carotenoid pigment . orange colour of tomato is due to prolycopene pigment.
  28. Red colour in tomato is due to lycopene pigment .
  29. Toxin pigment in potato is solenine 
  30. Tomato(lycopersicon esculentum) is also known as poor mans orange it is also called love apple . 
  31. Origin of tomato is in  Mexico and it is also a native vegetable of tropical America .
  32.  The earliest available literature on tomato was made by Mattiolus in Italy in 1544.Earlier the botanical name of tomato was solenum lycopersicon . it is self polline
  33. Tree tomato (cyphomandra  belacea ) is a shrub .
  34. Pumpkin is reach in carotene and carbohydrate .
  35. Bulb crops related to family Amaryllidaceae/Alliaceae.
  36. The red and yellow  colour of the outer skin of  onion is due to anthocyanin and quercetin pigment respectively.
  37. Anti fungal activities in onion is due to presence of phenolic factor ;I.e catechol
  38.  The chromosome numbers of onion , garlic(A.sativum),and shallot(A.cepa var .ascalanicum) are 16. 
  39. Onion ( alium cepa  )The  pungency of onion is due to the presence of volatile oil allyl propyl di-sulphide.
  40. True garlic flavor is due to diallyl disulphide. 
  41. Damping off is related with fungal disease.Rhizoctonia solani , pithium species, phytopthora sp. are major causative organism of this disease .
  42. Leaf minor is small insect and it damages and destroys plant leaves by eating chlorophyll .
  43. Whip tail in cauliflower is due to Mo deficiency
  44. Pungent flavor in chilly is due to the presence of capsaicin capsicutin.
  45. Buttoning and riceyness disorder are related to cauliflower


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