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vegetables and spices
Olericulture ; latin word deals with culture and management of vegetable crops
classification of vegetable crops
 there are different basis for classification
classification based on
v  Life span
o   Annual : bootle gourd , bittre gourd ,okra,muskmelon ,etc.
o   Bienneal :cabbage , turnip, onion  etc.
o   Perennial : elephant foot yam,yam etc.

v  parts and use Plant
o   Root : raddish ,carrot ,turnip ,beetroot ,sweet potato
o   Stem : Aspergus, knolkhol ,potato, yam
o   Leaves: cabbage , Brussels , sprouts , lettuce ,spinach ,amaranthus,fenugreek ,celery,broad leaf mustard ,cress, ,coriander .
o   Flower: cauliflower, globe ,artivhoke,sprouting broccoli,etc.
o   Immature fruits : broad bean, cucumber,okra,pea,summer squash,bottle gourd,sponge gourd,ridge gourd ,pointed gourd,cow pea ,etc.
o   Mature fruits : tomato , muskmelon ,watermelon ,pumpkin ,etc.
v  Hardiness.
o   Hardy ( resistant to frost or essentially cool season crops): asparagus, broccoli,cabbage, garlic,knolkhol,onion,parsley,pea, raddish, turnip, etc.
o   Half hardy : (tolerant to cold); carrot , cauliflower, celery , garden bit ,glove, atricjoke., lettuce, parsnip, potato etc.
o   Tender Lcan not with stand frost ) amaranthus, okra, bringal,capsicum,cassava,cowpea, cucurbits, sweet corn, tomato, yam, etc.
v  Growing season
o   Terai region
a)     Winter vegetable crops:(generally grown below 25 degree centigrade ) for eg.cauliflower knolkhol , broccoli,kale , broadleaf mustard,c ress, spinach , radish ,turnip,carrot,beet, onion, garlic , tomato,brinjal,sweet pepper,lettuce,leek, etc.
b)     Summer and rainy season vegetables : ( generally grown above 25 degree centigrade) for eg. Cucurbits, okra,taro,cassava,amaranthus,,cowpea,beans,asparagus,bean, sweet corn.
o   Hilly region
a)     Winter vegetable crops  for eg. Cauliflower, knolkhol,broccoli,kale, broadleaf mutard,spinach,radish,carrot,turnip, onion ,garlic, leek,chives,peas etc.
b)     Summer or rainy season vegetables : tomato , brinjal, okra,sweet pepper, chillies, cucurbits,beans, cowpea, asparagus,bean, sweet potato etc.
v  Rate of respiration
o   High rate of respiration : leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus,peas and beans
o   Medium rate of respiration : beat., carrot, cucumber, muskmelon,tomato,sweet pepper, cabbage, sweet potato turnip etc.
o   Low rate of resoiration : onion potato etc.
Note : vegetables having low rate of respiration have high keeping quality and vice versa.
v  Propagation methods :
o   seeds- radish , okra, pea, beans, cucurbits,curcifers,, solanaceous crops etc.
o   vegetative propagation :pointed gourd, potato, yam , cassava, taro, clocascia, sweet potato.
v Soil ph : classification based on  the response of vegetables to soil reaction , vegetables are grouped as slightly , moderate,and very tolerant to acidic soils .
o   Slightly tolerant (6-6.8)- asparagus, onion ,broccoli,cabbage, spinach,cauliflower,leek, lettuce,muskmelon , celery
o   Moderately tolerant(5.5-6) : carrot, cucumber, brinjal,garlic, pea, chilly ,knolkhol,radish, pumpkin, tomato, turnip etc.
o   Highly tolerant(5.0-5.5) :  potato, sweet potato, watermelon.etc

v Botanical classification :
o   Class: monocotyledonae:
Name of crops            sc. Name                                                               family
Onion                                      Allium cepa L                                                     Alliaceae
Garlic                                     A.sativum L                                                          ,, ,,  ,,
Shallot                                 A.cepa var. oscolonicum L (chyapi                        ,,     ,,
Sweet corn                          zea mays L var. rugosa                                         Gramineae
Asparagus                             Asparagus officinalis                                      Liliaceae
Greater yam                          Dioscorea alata                                            dioscoreaceae
Lesser yam                            D. esculenta                                                 ,,       ,,
White yam                             D.rotundata                                                 as above
Turmeric                               curcuma longa                                              Zingiberaceae
Zinger                                    Zinger officinalis
o   Class Dicotyladoneae
Spinach                                  spinacia oleracea                                         chenopodiaceae
Beet root                               beta vulgaris
Lettuce                                   lactuca sativa                                                   compositae
Sweet potato                                                ipomea batatus                                  convulvulaceae
Common cabbage               Brassica oleracea v. capitata                                    crusiferae
Cauliflower                           B.oleracea v. borty tis
Brussels sprout                    B. olerecea  v, gemmifera
Kale                                        B. oleracea v. acephala
Knolkhol                                B. olerecea v. gongylodes
Turnip                                    B. rapa v. glabra
Chinese cabbage                   B. compestris ssp. Chinensis
Radish                                         raphanus sativus
Pumpkin                                Cucurbita moschata                                        Cucurbitaceae
Water melon                            Citrullus lanatus
Cucumber                              Cucumis sativus
Musk melon                             Cucumis melo
Garden pea                                        Pisum sativum ssp . hortense              Leguminosae
Field pea                                    P. sativum ssp. Arvense
French bean                          phaseolus vulgaris
Broad bean                                   vicia faba
Cow pea                                             Vigna  unguiculata
Soyabean                                              Glycine max
Okara                                                                                                                      Ahelmoshus esculentus             Malvaceae
Potato                                           Solanum  tuberosum                                     solanaceae
Bringal                                    solanum melongena
Tomato                                             Lycopersicum esculentum                       
Chilli                                               Capsicum annum
Carrot                                                Daucus carota                                            Umbelliferae
Celery                                               Apium graveolens
v  Based on photoperiod requirement
o   Long day plant : potato, radish, turnip, carrot ,spinach , cauliflower, knolkhol,onion, beet , lettuce, etc.
o   Short day plant : sweet potato, Indian spinach, beans etc.
Day neutral plant : tomato brinjal, chilli,cow pea, okra, cucumber.etc 


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