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Showing posts from November, 2018

नेपालमा च्याउ खेतीको इतिहास (History of Mushroom Cultivation in Nepal)

नेपालमा २०२८ सालबाट च्याउ उत्पादन शुरु भएको हो । सव्रप्रथम कन्ये च्याउको उत्पादन र अनुसन्धान पश्चात् २०२९ सालमा गोब्रे च्याउको खेती प्रविधि सम्बन्धि अनुसन्धान भएको हो । त्यस समय कृषि अनुसन्धान परिषद् अन्तर्गत बाली विज्ञान महाशाखाबाट च्याउ खेती प्रविधि सम्बन्धि अध्ययन सफल भएपछि २०३७ सालबाट देशका विभिन्न स्थानका किसानहरुलाई च्याउ खेती प्रविधि सम्बन्धि तालिम दिई यसको विस्तार गर्ने कार्य भएको हो । २०३७ सालबाट नै काठमाडौको बलम्बुमा निरन्तर रुपमा च्याउखे ती गरिदै आइएको छ । बर्तमान समयमा च्याउ उपभोग गर्ने मानिसहरुको संख्या बृद्धि हुदै गएकाले यसको व्यावसायिक उत्पादन गर्ने किसानहरुको संख्या पनि दिनानुदिन बृद्धि हुदै गइहेको छ । हाल नेपालको ७० जिल्लामा च्याउ खेती विस्तार भएको छ भने ४० जिल्लाहरुमा व्यावसायिक रुपमा च्याउ उत्पादन गर्ने किसानहरु रहेका छन् । अन्य खेती भन्दा छिटो र सरल तरिकाबाट उत्पादन लिन सकिने भएकाले नेपालमा दिनानुदिन यो व्यावसायमा लाग्न शिक्षित र अशिक्षित दुवै प्रकारका किसानहरुको संख्या बढ्दै गएको छ । यसको खेतीका लागि मल,माटो र सिँचाईको खासै आवश्यकता नपर्ने भएकाले थोरै जमिन भए...

असुरोका फाइदाहरु कति छन् कती सबैले जानौ

असुरो औषधीय गुण भएको बुट्यान वर्गमा पर्ने वनस्पति हो । यो वनस्पति नेपालमा १२०० मिटर सम्मको उचाइमा विशेष गरेर बाटा , धाराको छेउछाउ र बन जंगलको किनाराको खुल्ला क्षेत्रमा पाइन्छ । यसको बुटा सामान्यतया १ मिटर अग्लो हुन्छ र बढीमा २।५ मिटर सम्म अग्लो हुन्छ। यसको पातको लम्बाई २० सेन्टिमिटर र चौडाई ७।५ सम्म हुन्छ। पातको आकार अण्डाकृत देखि भालाकृत हुन्छ। पातको टुप्पा चोसो परेको हुन्छ। पातको किनारा धारिलो हुन्छ , दाँती परेको वा छिया छिया परेको ह ुँदैन। फूलहरू एउटै डाँठमा गुच्चमुच्च हुन्छन्। फूलको रंग सेतोमा प्याजी नसाका धर्का देखिन्छ। पूर्ण रूपले फूलेको फूल हेर्दा भ्यागुतो वा छेपारोले मुख वाएको जस्तो देखिन्छ। फूलको धोक्रो भित्रबाट पुंकेशर स्त्रीकेशर बाहिर निक्लेको हुन्छ। अरु सामान्य फूलहरूमा झैं असुरोका फूलहरू पनि प्रजनन का दुवै अंग भाले तथा पोथी एउटै फूलमा पाइन्छ।  विरुवाको खासगरि प्रयोगमा आउने भाग पात हो। यो तीतो हुन्छ। यो विरुवा वर्षै भरि हरियो हुने हुनाले यसको पात बराबर संकलन गर्न सकिन्छ , तर फूल फूल्नु अघि संकलन गरेका पात बढी उपयोगी हुन्छ ।


Introduction Soil is naturally occurring unconsolidated materials on the surface of the earth that has been influenced by parent material, climate , organisms and relief all acting over the period of time  to produce soil that may be differ from the materials which from which it was derived in many physical, chemical, & biological , mineralogical & morphological properties . Factors influencing soil formation Parent material > Climate >Biota  > Topography  > Time The soil profile The earth surface consists of particular combination of influences from the five soil forming factors, causing a different sets of layers k/d “horizons” to form each parts of landscape, thus slowly giving rise to the natural bodies we called soils. Every soil has particular sequence of these horizons. A vertical combination of these sequences is termed as Soil profile. The main horizons & layers There are Six major horizons commonly recogni...


INTRODUCTION:       SEE D AND SEED GERMINATION:-   Seed is the fertilized mature ovule having viable embryo and seed coat and living endosperm for nourishment of embryo. Germination is the process by which a plant grows from a seed. The most common example of germination is the  emergence  of a seedling  from a seed of a angiosperm or gymnosperm. In addition, the growth of a sporeling from a spore, such as the spores of hyphae from   spores, is also germination. Thus, in a general sense, germination can be thought of as anything expanding into greater being from a small existence or germ   SEED GERMINATION FACTORS             Several factors influence if, and how, seeds germinate. The most important factors are  water availability,  Temperature  Sunlight.  Water is crucial to seed germin...



Definitions & Terms used in Irrigation

  • Hydroscopic Water: That water is adsorbed from an atmosphere of water vapour because of attractive forces in the surface of particles.  • Hysteresis: It is the log of in one of the two associated process or phenomena during  reversion.  • Indicator Plant: It is the plant, which reflects specific growing condition by its presence  or character of growth.  • Infiltration Rate: It is the maximum rate at which a soil under given condition and at  given time can absorb water when there is no divergent flow at borders  • Intake Rate or Infiltration Velocity: It is the rate of water entry into the soil expressed  as a depth of water per unit area applicable or divergence of flow in the soil.  • Irrigation Requirement: It refers to the quantity of water, exclusive of precipitation,  required for crop production. This amounts to net irrigation requirement plus other  economically avoidable losses. It is usua...


CHAPTER 1.   ABOUT IAAS / AFU AND SOME AFFAIRS               1.1  INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCE (IAAS) §         Began as a school of Agriculture under ministry of Agriculture in 1957 to train JTA’s in agriculture. §         School of agriculture upgraded to college level in 1968 §         It was entitled IAAS in 1972 as a constituent institute of Tribhuwan University and located the specific place at Rampur in the same year. §         The institute has 230 hac of land for its academic and research programs at Rampur. §         Lamjung Campus located at Sundarbazar Lamjung was established in 1975 and has about 18 hac of land. §         Paklihawa Campus at...